
Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 3.

October 31, 2022 This is the third article in a series of four. Please refer back to Chapters 1 and 2 if you have missed them. God had given me a new heart and the transformation of my thinking and desires...

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October 31, 2022 / Comments (0)

Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 2.

October 26, 2022 Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 2. Welcome back to CherishEphesians64 and the question yet to be answered, Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He...

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October 26, 2022 / Comments (0)

Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 1.

October 24, 2022 In May of 2022, I retired from Cherokee Christian School after serving as the Superintendent for 22 years. During those 22 years of interacting with parents and children, the Lord convicted...

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October 24, 2022 / Comments (0)

Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?

October 22, 2022 As a new Christian (30 years ago), I loved to read the Bible. I just couldn’t get enough of it. In fact, I was so enthralled with reading scripture and learning more about our Lord that I...

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October 22, 2022 / Comments (0)

HIGH IMPORTANCE! How Christian Men Must Love And Lead Their Wives Through Joint Stewardship (Handling God’s Money)

October 15, 2022 It just happened again- a man has died and left his wife scrambling to find out if she has enough money to live on. In addition to the grieving that she is experiencing, she will now have...

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October 15, 2022 / Comments (0)

Looking For The Sweet Spot

October 12, 2022 If you are a lover of the game of tennis, you know the importance of hitting the ball in the center of the racquet, sometimes called the “sweet spot.” That’s because the racquet is...

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October 12, 2022 / Comments (0)

The End Of Christian Culture And The Only Biblical Response

October 5, 2022 The End Of Christian Culture And The Only Biblical Response I’m sure that you have noticed that there is a growing divide in America between those who know the Lord and want to live in a...

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October 5, 2022 / Comments (0)

Precious Solutions Against Satan’s Strategies. Introduction And First Solution.

October 5, 2022 Thomas Brooks, born in 1608, was a Puritan preacher who wrote a number of essays during his time with possibly the foremost entitled, “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices.” In...

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October 5, 2022 / Comments (0)