
You Said You Would But You Never Could.

April 28, 2023 The article that I had planned to write this week had to be shelved to make way for the article that I had to write, prompted by an experience just yesterday. You see, I...

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April 28, 2023 / Comments (0)

Can You Actually See It?

January 20, 2023 Have you ever had your spouse, or a friend suddenly stop you from leaving for work or getting in front of a group of people just so they could straighten your tie, or remove a piece of...

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January 20, 2023 / Comments (0)

What Did Jesus Do On His 33 Birthdays (Christmases)?

December 16, 2022 Note: I thought it would be helpful for us to take a break from JC Ryle’s book called Holiness to consider something more closely tied to the Christmas Season where there will...

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December 16, 2022 / Comments (0)

Christians Don’t Swim In Swamps(Holiness Chapter 3)

December 8, 2022 I have been anxious to get to this point in our journey on the topic of holiness. Why? Because I want to address the danger of spending time on any one Biblical truth. Let me explain....

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December 8, 2022 / Comments (0)

Are You The Christian Parent Who Believes That Your Children Should Experience All The Things That You Did As A Young Person? (Holiness Chapter 2)

December 2, 2022 So, we are back at it. Back to looking at some additional facets of sin, and if there are scripture passages that teach us about sin and God is good, we can not conclude anything else other...

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December 2, 2022 / Comments (0)

So, You Think Your Child Is Basically Good? Your Parenting is Doomed! (Holiness Chapter 1)

November 23, 2022 So, I am about to begin this series of articles that tracks along with the famous book by J.C. Ryle called Holiness and I feel like I am already stuck. Here’s my predicament: I have...

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November 23, 2022 / Comments (0)

Without This, No One Will See The Lord (Introduction)

November 17, 2022 There is something that has been weighing on my mind for years. It started in that first year of my Christian life, now almost 30 years ago. I had been attending our first church for...

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November 17, 2022 / Comments (0)

Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 4.

November 11, 2022 This is the fourth article in a series of four. Please refer back to Chapters 1, 2 and 3 if you have missed them. When my daughter recently suggested that I write about my background and...

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November 11, 2022 / Comments (0)

Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 3.

October 31, 2022 This is the third article in a series of four. Please refer back to Chapters 1 and 2 if you have missed them. God had given me a new heart and the transformation of my thinking and desires...

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October 31, 2022 / Comments (0)

Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 2.

October 26, 2022 Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He Has Something To Say? Chapter 2. Welcome back to CherishEphesians64 and the question yet to be answered, Who Is This Guy And Why Does He Think He...

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October 26, 2022 / Comments (0)