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September 22, 2023 / Comments (0)

Am I The Small “k” Or The Capital “K” Person?

July 7, 2023   Am I The Small “k” Or The Capital “K” Person? I had the privilege and joy of recently running into a Kingdom-minded person. You might ask, what is a...

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July 7, 2023 / Comments (0)

The Beauty Of Families Walking Together

June 30, 2023   The Beauty Of Families Walking Together Last week I attended a wedding where I noticed the friends of the groom were mostly made up of three large families. The ages of these friends...

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June 30, 2023 / Comments (0)

Training Your Child By Sharing Your Trials

June 23, 2023   I have a suggestion for you that I think is critical to your family’s walk with the Lord. But before we get to that, we have to make sure that we are thinking about trials or...

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June 23, 2023 / Comments (0)

So, How Are You Enjoying Your Retirement?

June 15, 2023   The most common question I get from folks these days is “Are you enjoying your retirement?” The second most common question is, “What are you doing in retirement?” In...

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June 15, 2023 / Comments (0)

Saturation And Marination Will Happen. Your Preference: The Scoffer School Or The Christian School?

June 9, 2023 Saturation And Marination Will Happen. Your Preference: The Scoffer School Or The Christian School? Most Christians know and love Psalm 1. Let’s listen to God’s word to refresh our...

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June 9, 2023 / Comments (0)

The Blessing Or Curse Of The Education You Chose.

June 2, 2023 Last week was graduation week and I had the joy of seeing another class graduate from the school I labored at for 22 years. Due to another family commitment, I was not able to get the...

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June 2, 2023 / Comments (0)

Love The King, Love The Queen.

May 19, 2023 Life is more complicated that it was years ago, and the general busyness of life does not lend to reflection. I am grateful that the Lord has brought me to a place in my life where I have...

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May 19, 2023 / Comments (0)

Health and Beauty, Poison and Fire, and Bob Newhart. 

May 12, 2023 The numbers are staggering. Various studies estimate that the average person spends about $200,000 in their lifetime on creams, lotions, moisturizers, anti-aging, make up, hair, and...

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May 12, 2023 / Comments (0)

How To Teach Your Child To Hate Their Future Spouse. 

May 5, 2023 So, May 1 marks eight months into starting this ministry that encourages parents and churches to place a greater focus on obeying no, even cherishing, the great commandment from Ephesians...

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May 5, 2023 / Comments (0)