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December 19, 2023 / Comments (0)

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December 12, 2023 / Comments (0)

Living In A Loveless World.

November 30, 2023 ...

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November 30, 2023 / Comments (0)

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November 22, 2023 / Comments (0)

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October 12, 2023 / Comments (0)

Destroying Secret Doubts

August 25, 2023 Add Your Heading Text Here...

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August 25, 2023 / Comments (0)

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August 16, 2023 / Comments (0)

The “S” Word That may Be The Most Despised Word In The Bible

July 14, 2023   As I continue to struggle against remaining sin in myself, I have been thinking more deeply about what it is that makes it so difficult to stop sinning. Sure, I know that I have a new...

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July 14, 2023 / Comments (0)

Am I The Small “k” Or The Capital “K” Person?

July 7, 2023   Am I The Small “k” Or The Capital “K” Person? I had the privilege and joy of recently running into a Kingdom-minded person. You might ask, what is a...

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July 7, 2023 / Comments (0)

Obeying Ephesians 6:4 Through Teaching Children Biblical Stewardship

April 21, 2023 We have been studying the Biblical passages about God’s instructions to parents. We started with the command in Ephesians 6:4 (to raise children in the discipline and instruction of the...

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April 21, 2023 / Comments (0)